St Peter & St Benedict Catholic Parish
Catholic Chapel and Presbytery
Glendoe Road,
Fort Augustus
PH32 4BD
(South End of Loch Ness)
Sunday Mass 10.00 am
Weekday Masses as announced in the parish bulletin
Donations will be gratefully accepted and can be sent to
the Parish Bank account:
Sts Peter & Benedict RC Parish Fort Augustus
Account number 00760253 Sort Code 80-05-17
The Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish
(East Side of Loch Ness)
Vigil Mass Saturday 5 pm
Tel. to Stratherrick church: 01456 486 678
Weekday Masses as announced in the parish bulletin.
Donations will be gratefully accepted and can be sent to
the Parish Bank account:
The Immaculate Conception RC Parish Stratherrick
Account number 00706096 Sort Code 80-06-66
Parish Administrator
Fr Maximilian Nwosu
Assistant Administrator
Fr James Anyaegbu
Resident in Beauly
Landline : 01463 782 232
e-mail stmarysbeauly@btinternet.com